Friday, June 29, 2007

My cousin Kian :)

el es Kian Fuhrman, mi primito que vive en Italia...
He is Kian Fuhrman, my cousin, he lives in Italy...

Kian es hijo del hermano de mi papa, Tio Timmy, y nacio un mes antes que yo, el 2 de Setiembre
Kian is dad's brother son, uncle Timmy, and he was born a month before me, sept 2nd.

este verano el vendra a los estados unidos por primera vez, y finalmente nos conoceremos!!!
this summer he will come to the US, for the first time, and finally we will met!!!

Kian, i will wait for you, hope to i can see you before im going to Peru, i will be leaving 08-10 and will come back 08-30.... looking forward to see you then, and of course Aunt Angie !!!

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