Monday, August 24, 2009

we are coming back!!!!

hello everyone, well i guess we have to catch up with a lot of things that happened with us in the last past 5 months...
i turned 35 on march, Scott turned 36 on April, maxi finally start potty training, my pregnancy ended successfully with the birth of my precious Savannah who arrived just on time, in my due date, july 7th.
we had been very busy lately, getting used to live with 2 under 3!!! sometimes is a real challenge but everything is possible under the sun!!! still i dont go shopping with both of them, i just take one at the time....
yesterday i went to the movies to watch Julie and Julia, and i guess i got inspired on the movie to come back blogging, go and see it, you will really have a good time, i enjoyed that!!!
well now my Savannah is 7 weeks old, almost 2 months... i will start posting her pics to catch up with her start!!!!
welcome home baby girl!!!!
can you know how much in love i am with her??? and maxi of course!!!

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